2 min read
Who Is William Thomas?

by William Thomas

I am an award-winning investigative reporter with over four decades’ experience. My feature writing and photography have appeared in more than 50 publications in eight countries, with translations into French, Dutch and Japanese.    

     Born and raised in the USA, where my father was a career navy pilot, I soloed a Cessna at age 16. At Marquette University, where I majored in philosophy and theology, I joined the U.S. Navy Reserve shortly after the Gulf of Tonkin story broke in headlines across the country.    Four years later, having won assignment to Pensacola NAS, I was about to achieve a lifelong dream of flying jets off carriers when the appalling civilian carnage and revelations of the Tonkin fabrication brought me to a personal crisis. Realizing that I could not napalm families whose aspirations and love for their children was no different from my own, I resigned my navy commission.    

     With help from the American Quakers I made my way to Canada in 1970. On the west coast I opened the first photographic gallery, and later won a position as staff photographer for the Vancouver Sun. I also completed construction of backyard-built 31-foot trimaran to sail the South Seas as a freelance photojournalist. Her dreamed named was Celerity. In 1985 I completed an eight-year Pacific circumnavigation under sail with the first nonstop Pacific crossing from Japan to North America by multihull.    Now what should I do? During a solo vision quest in the Coast Mountains I was instructed to defend my mother planet and speak for the voiceless ones.    

     Soon after, I co-founded Green Islands and the Save Georgia Straight Alliance. While serving on clear-cut logging blockades on Salt Spring Island, the Tsitika, Walbran and Clayoquot Sound, I pioneered the use of aerial videos and 60-second “spot” TV ads to expose illegal logging practices.    

     After completing the first environmental survey of British Columbia’s Strait of Georgia with SGSA members onboard Celerity, I helped lead successful campaigns to clean up pulp mills dumping dioxins into the strait. As the only video reporter allowed inside the armed native blockade a Gustafson Lake, I later helped avert a military assault that would have shocked Canada and the world.

     During a Desert Storm, while on a peace mission with artist Carl Chaplin in Jordan, I co-founded the Gulf Environmental Emergency Response team. During and immediately after the Gulf War, I served five months in Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait as a member of a three-man environmental emergency response team.    

     My video documentary Eco War won the 1991 US Environmental Festival award for “Best Documentary Short” and was excerpted by the CBC, CNN, NBC, as well as the movie, “The Corporation”. My book, Bringing The War Home was the first complete account of the origins of Gulf War Illness. Scorched Earth documented the military’s war against the Earth, in peacetimes as well as during conflicts.    

     In January 1998, soon after breaking the “mystery plumes” story for the Environment News wire service, I made the first of eight guest appearances with Art Bell on Coast To Coast describing a phenomenon I later popularized as “chemtrails”.    

     All Fall Down: The Politics of Terror and Mass Persuasion was the first published book on 9/11. My more recently updated Days Of Deception: Ground Zero And Beyond remains the most thorough journalistic account of Black Tuesday and its aftermath. Though it reads like a novel, every event is documented.    

     The most recent book of my ongoing chemtrails investigation is Chemtrails Confirmed 2010. It has now been updated with a revised Chemtrails Timeline to 2013.   

     Recipient of four Canadian feature-writing awards, I have been writing about wireless hazards since the publication of Scorched Earth in 1991. My most recent ebooks include ABCs of Cell Phones And Other Hazards Of The Wireless Age and Smart Meters For Smarties. I am currently active in Hornby Island's cell tower Resistance.    

     In service to truth and life, thank you all for your activism, research and support.    

     William Thomas 

Photo Captions:

Will Thomas filming his award-winning "Eco War" in Kuwait City at noon -Michael Bailey photo

Will Thomas points to chemtrails over Capitola, CA -Karen Nevis photo